Compostable Bags 100% Biodegradable
Plastic Free Bags
Available in convenient sizes and ensures you can be confident that you have the quality required to collect and transport organic waste with minimum breakages and tears. All Compost-A-Pak® products are made from a natural starch-based polymer derived from corn. Compost-A-Pak® is proudly an Australian family owned business, committed to a more sustainable world. CLICK HERE TO KNOW THEIR FULL STORY
Compost-A-Pak liners are Certified compostable to the stricter Australian standards, for both home composting and commercial composting, as well as the relevant European, American and Japanese standards for commercial composting. In the same way as vegetable scraps, the products in their entirety will break down into hummus, water and carbon dioxide in a commercial composting facility in a matter of weeks. These certifications ensure you can be confident there will be no harmful residue as the liners break down. In fact the bags are also safe for use in organic farms, food contact, animal feed and can also be also used in worm farms.