Caddy Clean® Standard

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CaddyClean® is designed with the user in mind, simple to handle and economical. The extremely low weight 2,3 kilos (4,9 lbs) and practical design makes it ideal for cleaning in areas where manual methods presently are used. CaddyClean® has an ”ergonomically” designed handle with many features such as adjustable variable shaft length and angle. The heavy duty battery lasts up to 2-3 hours. The brushes are designed for hard to reach areas, corners and niches. CaddyClean® has a snap on attachment grip for the scrubber head, for easy replacement.

Caddy Clean Standard has everything you need to streamline your cleaning to the fully.

Battery time 2-3 hours depending on use.

You can easily transform your Caddy Clean Standard into a Caddy Clean Handy with a simple hand manipulation.


Caddy Clean basic unit
Handle for handheld device
Battery NiHM
Battery charger
Battery Bag
Wall mount
White brush 0.6 2-pcs
White brush 0.4 2-pcs
Padholders 2-pcs
Abrasive Pads 4-pcs
Microfiber pads 2-pcs
Battery holder

Tank kit can be purchased as optional accessories

Technical Specifications
Scrubbing area
210 mm
Min clearance
95 mm
Weight scrubbing head
0,9 kg
Weight incl. wand
approx. 1,7 kg
Adjustable length
915 - 1270 mm
12 volt DC
400 rpm
Gearbox with ballbearings